Sunday 19 February 2017

Sound Scape Initial Ideas

Part 1 of my project brief is to produce a two-five minute soundscape or 'acoustic portrait' of a geographical place of my choice. This means that I will need to record sounds that represent and portray something about that place. As I live in Brighton, I want to make it about something that interests me in the area, or a place I enjoy going to. A soundscape is "the component of the acoustic environment that can be perceived by humans." ( 

Another idea I have for my soundscape is base it on my home town, Reigate as this is where I group up and I could record sounds that remind me of my childhood. This would make the piece very nostalgic and personal to me, therefore making it more effective for the audience. I would record sounds, such children playing in my old school playground and park, as well as sounds like my dogs barking and playing in a pond. 

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